Monday 25 October 2010

'Revised' Synopsis:

This is my new synopsis that I thought of, when shooting started. I believe it is more realistic and plausible, as well as more simplistic (getting rid of minor 'extras' (characters that are in just one scene)) and focusing on Holly and John, as well as focusing more on voyeurism.

Holly, an  unpopular, 'geeky' school girl, has finished college late, due to her stayig back to get ahead on a new assignment, and decides to take a short cut home through a forest, a seemingly safe environment. She calls her mother to let her know she's on her way, but then her eye is caught by a shiny object in the midst of the trees. She goes to investigate.  She reaches the object finding a spare set of keys, forcing her to remember her first, and last, boyfriend, who was domineering and controlling. She begins to panic as she tries to make her way home and she begins to suspect she’s being followed. She then stumbles upon her shirt, given to her by her ex-boyfriend, years ago, again forcing her to remember him. Upset at the remembering of him, and scared at the revelation that someone had gotten in to her house, and stolen her shirt, she comes to a clearing, after gathering all of the items, only to be confronted by John, her ex-boyfriend. He clearly has a mental illness and reveals his "master plan" of getting her where he wanted her, and bringing up bad memories from the past. It is revealed that he used to beat her up. He eventually kills her, violently, with a baseball bat. Or at least she is presumed dead, as the audience wont actually get to see the final murder.

'Revised' Todorov Narrative Structure:

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