Friday 29 October 2010


I have continued my filming, whilst also uploading the footage I have on to the editing suites to see if the footage was suitable.

Monday 25 October 2010

'Revised' Synopsis:

This is my new synopsis that I thought of, when shooting started. I believe it is more realistic and plausible, as well as more simplistic (getting rid of minor 'extras' (characters that are in just one scene)) and focusing on Holly and John, as well as focusing more on voyeurism.

Holly, an  unpopular, 'geeky' school girl, has finished college late, due to her stayig back to get ahead on a new assignment, and decides to take a short cut home through a forest, a seemingly safe environment. She calls her mother to let her know she's on her way, but then her eye is caught by a shiny object in the midst of the trees. She goes to investigate.  She reaches the object finding a spare set of keys, forcing her to remember her first, and last, boyfriend, who was domineering and controlling. She begins to panic as she tries to make her way home and she begins to suspect she’s being followed. She then stumbles upon her shirt, given to her by her ex-boyfriend, years ago, again forcing her to remember him. Upset at the remembering of him, and scared at the revelation that someone had gotten in to her house, and stolen her shirt, she comes to a clearing, after gathering all of the items, only to be confronted by John, her ex-boyfriend. He clearly has a mental illness and reveals his "master plan" of getting her where he wanted her, and bringing up bad memories from the past. It is revealed that he used to beat her up. He eventually kills her, violently, with a baseball bat. Or at least she is presumed dead, as the audience wont actually get to see the final murder.

'Revised' Todorov Narrative Structure:

Friday 22 October 2010

Filming Started:

Shooting started on 22nd of October 2010:

I have shot roughly half of my short film. However, I decided to change parts of my storyboard, something I didn't want to do. I initially didn't want to do this, but during my research coursework for A2 Film Studies, where I am studying the visual style of Tim Burton, I noticed the mention of storyboard/narrative changes, at last minute, during shoots, and how it seems to be something common in Hollywood and film-making in general. This has made me feel a little better about the change in narrative, and my storyboard, and I am going to add a new 'revised' synopsis. My overall theme remains the same, including the narrative quest and climax/re-equilibrium. My disruption, on the other hand, has been changed to be more realistic.

I have scheduled to meet with my two main actors, on Wednesday 27th October, where shooting will continue.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Props/Equipment Needed:

  1. Glasses (geeky)
  2. Long-sleeved checked shirt - protagonist
  3. Jeans or Jeggings - protagonist
  4. Red checked shirt
  5. Handbag
  6. Mobile phone
  7. Red shoes
  8. Red lipstick (for blood, if no fake blood can be found and also for the protagonist to wear)
  9. Baseball bat or Knife
  10. Sony HD Camera
  11. Tripod
  12. Makeshift Clapperboard (to help me with scenes and post-production editing - not compulsory)
  13. Tracksuit/football shirt & trackies - stereotypical "chav" (social group) attire - antagonist

Monday 18 October 2010

Setting Ideas:

These are a collection of photos I took, whilst scouting for places to set my short film, in which I will most likely shoot my film. I decided to find places which would fit neatly in to my storyboard and narrative, needing a forest and numerous flashback sequences which would be set in urban settings such as, in one instance, a park swing (shown in the first photograph). I decided to take photographs to give me an idea as to what the setting was like, and allowed me to premeditate where I was going to do my shooting of the film. This will allow me to shoot my short film a lot quicker as I already have the locations for the on-location shootings planned. I added a model, another film studies student and a friend, in my photographs in order to give them scope and depth, highlighting where my actor would be placed if I was to use the actual location. The mise en scene isn't strict in this instance as she is only used to reflect where the camera and actor will be positioned in accordance of each other, and therefore on some photographs, she may be using a phone, as well as posing for the camera. This also allowed me to test different camera angles, and see what angle/distance was best suited for what I was trying to convey.

Setting were I can film the 'Swing Scene'

Example of an ELS in a forest setting

Two examples of dutch-angles

A voyeuristic shot which I hope to put in my film.
The killer will be hiding behind the tree (POV)

Another dutch-angle at MCU

A shot which will be in my film with
Holly following a track

A LS of a red shirt, which will be in my short film

An ELS of Holly, once again.

The above three images are all examples of
 gothic mise en scene

An example of internal framing to show Holly's
 entrapment in the forest

The above two shots are examples of
internal framing.

An ELS showing Holly walking in to a trap through
 her walking in to thick forestry
('being caught in the killer's web')

Two examples of a beaten forest track

Holly will find a ring on this tree.

The above two shots highlight the
 beauty of the forest

Holly, my character played By Ruth.

Friday 15 October 2010

Mood Board:

This is a mood board that I concocted to reflect the colour and mood of my short film. My short film will feature mostly green, brown and 'autumny' colours, as is conventional of a film set in the forest. However, my second mood board, below, reflects the colour and mood of the flashback sequences, which will be dominated by the colour yellow, have circus themes and be unrealistic and scary.

The second mood board, shown above, represents the colour and style of the many flashback sequences throughout my short film. There will be extensive use of the colour yellow, as well as the sequences being edited in post-production to be sepia. This will ultimitely take the audience out of their comfort zone by creating a sense of unreality.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Character Background:

Holly: She is a shy, unpopular and geeky female. She is very quiet, and she has one close friend, however, within the narrative of my short film, she is seperated from her friend by being put in to a group of popular people, to explore the forest, who don't really acknowledge Holly's existance. She has only been in one relationship in her life, with a boy, three years older than her, called John. He was domineering and controlling, and after being with him for years, unhappy, Holly finally gained the courage to split up with him. Out of anger, he killed Holly's mother and was put in jail; holding a grudge against Holly. Holly, however, quickly overcame the death of her mother with the help of a wonderful father.

Holly, my protagonist.
She will be wearing similar
(if not the same) costume during filming

John: He is the antagonist, stalking Holly in the woods, purposely seperating her from her group. He is in a rage, due to a mental illness he has, about her dumping him, and has held a grudge for years, as she was "his", he "owned her". He committed a murder, Holly's mother, to try and persuade Holly to get back with him, and was consequently put in to a prison, then a mental institute. He ultimitely tries to kill Holly in the forest, and has been stalking her for some time, stealing items that related to their relationship, and placing them throughout the forest to scare her before he finally confronts her. He may be the antagonist, but the audience has to remember that he has a mental illness that makes his anger extremely tempermental. John is strong, quick and "chavvy". He and his mother were both deserted by his father, leaving them with no money and their living conditions quickly became poor. Shortly following this, his mother abandoned John, a 10 year old boy. However, he managed to survive, where at the age of 20, he met Holly (she was only 17 at the time). This abandonment by his family left him enraged, and eventually lead to his insanity, which would make him the antagonist in my short film.

Influences 3:

I aim to use many close-ups of the protagonist, just like the medium close-up of the character above (taken from 'The Blair Witch Project'). Also, to convey the sense of panic and that the protagonist is not thinking straight, I will use many dutch angles, to show that the protagonist isn't thinking straight. Similarly to the above still, my short film will be set in a forest. I have taken influence from the mise en scene in the still, such as trees and fallen leaves to represent the setting as being autumn and in a forest.

Monday 11 October 2010

Influences 2:

This photograph, minus the tourists, will be a shot I aim to reproduce in my short film. This is because you get the sense of vastness and isolation in this photograph and I believe it will really influence me to convey that my protagonist's lost in a forest. However, I am hoping to make the lighting a little darker, perhaps. I will also be using many high-angled long shots, to show the density of the forest and highlight my protagonist's isolation in a hostile environment.

This second photo, taken from 'The Blair Witch Project' (1999, US, Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sanchez), is a better representation of the setting I wish to achieve in my film. I will be using an extensive use of extreme long-shots, like the one above, in order to convey a sense of vastness, and empty 'negative' space.

Influences: 1

With the above photo, taken in sepia (or edited to be sepia afterwards), there is a stark contrast between the forest floor and the shadows emitted from the trees. I am not sure whether I want to achieve this effect, but it is definitely something I will be thinking about. However, because the above picture looks otherworldly and unconventional, I will be aiming to achieve this style (the sepia and trees) in a flashback sequence, in order to take the audience away from reality.

This photo, edited to be sepia, will influence me on my numerous flashback scenes throughout my short film. In my short film, unanimous objects will be found in the forest as my Protagonist tries to find her way back home. When stumbling upon these objects, that mean something to her, they will trigger a flashback. However, in order for me to achieve this, I want to convey a sense of unrealism and unreality to the flashback to connote that this is a different time period; in the past, without having to use the mundane black and white edit. This will be accompanied by non-diegetic sound, and I am currently considering background music resemblent of a fair ground, to create a sense of unrealism and create an eery atmosphere...

Saturday 9 October 2010


Below is my animatic, which will help me picture what my short film will look like once it is filmed.

Friday 8 October 2010


By Arron Bass



HOLLY is walking through a forest, alone. She is on her phone.

No mum, I’ll be fine! I’m just taking
a shortcut; I won’t be long. Right,
stop worrying, I’m on my way now… okay?



HOLLY, after walking through the forest for a while, sees some keys, which she appears to recognise.

What, my keys?!



HOLLY, in a flashback sequence, gives some keys to her boyfriend, JOHN.

…I got you some keys, so now you can
let yourself in

Oh… thanks!



Holly runs through the forest in a panic, getting disorientated and tired. She takes a rest beside a tree, were she is again startled by a loud noise. It is John, who is stalking her, but she is yet to find out. She runs.



Holly stumbles upon a shirt which, again, she seems to recognise.



HOLLY and JOHN are in the bedroom talking and John has got a gift for Holly.

And whilst I was there I got
you a gift.

Yeah? …oh wow!

So do you like it?

Yeah I really love it, thank you.



Holly, again startled by a noise, feeling like she’s being followed, runs, losing the forest track. She finds it again.

JOHN ENTERS. And Holly, noticing him, comes to a halt.



HOLLY is in the process of breaking up with JOHN. He takes it badly.
Well why does it have to be over?

I just… I can’t do it anymore. It’s not
Working, I’m sorry.

HOLLY tries to comfort John, but is pushed away.

Oh forget it, I’m leaving now.

HOLLY tries to leave but JOHN stops her.

You’re not going anywhere!


John throws HOLLY to the couch and attacks her.

John… NO!



Holly has given up running from JOHN, as she is exhausted and traumatised at the reappearance of her controlling, mentally unstable ex-boyfriend.


Alright. Didn’t think I’d get you, did you?
I take it you knew it was me… setting up
All the traps. Making you remember.

JOHN, holding a baseball bat, looks menacingly towards Holly.

You hurt me! …and now I’m going to kill you.

John attacks HOLLY with the baseball bat.



This is my storyboard for my short film. It was originally hand drawn, but the text couldn't be read, so I edited it on a computer; typing the text over the hand-written text. I have also added a link under each photo which takes the audience to a larger version of the image to allow easy viewing/reading. However, this can be achieved by simply clicking on the image, but sometimes that doesn't work.

Genre Conventions: Questionnaires:

From the above research I can shape my short film to meet the audience's expectations.