Wednesday 29 September 2010

Todorov and Synopsis:

 Todorov Narrative Structure:


Holly, an  unpopular, 'geeky' school girl, is on a school trip at Black Creek Wood, a seemingly safe environment. She is in a group of three, with nobody she knows, and her eye is caught, whilst observing nature, by a shiny object in the midst of the trees. She goes to investigate. However, there is no sign of this shining object, and in the rush to reach it, Holly becomes lost. She begins to panic as she tries to make her way back to civilization, or at least her group, but when she begins to suspect she’s being followed, she panics. She stumbles upon numerous items that she once had lost, triggering flashbacks about her previous failed, horrible relationship. She comes to a clearing, after gathering all of the items, only to be confronted by a hooded stranger, holding a knife and threatening to kill her. Holly, not a coward, manoeuvres and pushes the antagonist down a cliff, where it is revealed that the antagonist, John, was in fact her ex-boyfriend, hinted at by the flashbacks, and he followed her on the trip, with the intention to kill her. When Holly looks down the cliff, there is a blood soaked shoe, but no sign of a body, suggesting that he is injured, but still alive…

Word Count: 216

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